Tuesday 12 May 2020

How Durable Are You?

This viral mess has impacted all of us in some way, and our hearts go out to those that have been impacted more significantly.

One message coming through from the COVID-19 experts seems to be quite clear. This virus preys on those that are less healthy.  People with pre-existing health conditions like heart disease or diabetes for example are at higher risk.

We are also hearing that people under 65 years of age with a pre-existing conditions have the same risk as people over the age of 65 without. Maybe even more concerning, obesity is right behind age as a risk factor for COVID-19 even when no other obvious health conditions are present.

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reports that over 70% of the U.S. adult population is overweight or obese… so this is a significant concern.

Which leads us to this.

The majority of health conditions that increase the risk of many common syndromes and disease (as well as COVID-19) are driven by food and lifestyle… and such conditions are preventable.

Our body’s are not designed to handle processed foods, a sedentary lifestyle, insufficient sleep and the toxins we face daily… and the big one… chronic stress. It is now well established that lifestyle and environmental factors are the driving force behind the epidemic of chronic health conditions that impact us both physically and mentally.

Here at 360NOURISH we are advocates for the VITAL4 Lifestyle Model that serves as the foundation for our work with companies and individuals. The key elements of VITAL4 include Nutrition, Movement, Sleep and Stress Support. We also educate and coach clients on the common sources of poor health… nutrient deficiency, toxic burden and chronic stress.

The good news is that even if you already have a pre-existing condition, it’s not too late to make positive change that can make you more durable… and enhance your overall vitality.

We know that in stressful times like we are all going through now, it can be easy to put your own health and wellbeing to the side. However, our message continues to be the same. 
Prioritize and nourish yourself! You are too important to ignore. 
Original Content Taken From This Side : https://360nourish.mykajabi.com/blog/how-durable-are-you

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Employers See Wellness Link to Productivity, Performance

More than 90 percent of business leaders say that promoting wellness can affect employee productivity and performance, according to survey results from the nonprofit Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO).
Productivity and performance are related but different concepts, according to business leaders. Generally, productivity refers to the quantity of work while performance denotes the quality of work. Among survey respondents, 47 percent said that performance is more important while 15 percent said productivity is more important.
There were also nuances in the drivers of productivity and performance identified by business leaders. Having the right tools to do one’s job was listed as the top driver of productivity, while employee engagement with their work was the top driver of performance.
When business leaders were asked directly about the top organizational priorities influenced by employee health, they most often listed productivity and performance.

Sunday 12 April 2020

Wellbeing, a Strategic Initiative

Many employers are putting in place innovative programs for financial wellness, mental health, healthy diet and exercise, mindfulness, sleep, stress management, and more.
The aim?  To both increase worker productivity and meet new social expectations.

AS the line between work and life blurs, providing a robust suite of well-being programs focused on physical, mental, financial, and spiritual health is becoming a corporate responsibility and a strategy to drive employee productivity, engagement, and retention. While organizations are investing heavily in this area, our research reveals there is often a significant gap between what companies are offering and what employees value and expect.
Many major organizations are rethinking their reward and development programs to include some version of holistic, end-to-end well-being programs, which are now both a responsibility of good corporate citizenship and a key element of an enterprise talent strategy. This investment responds to the needs of workers, companies, and corporate leaders, and is being addressed by a growing number of well-being resources and tools.

Visit : http://www.360nourish.com/

Original Content Taken From Here: https://360nourish.mykajabi.com/blog/wellbeing-a-strategic-initiative

Monday 6 April 2020

Managing Your Stress Response in These Crazy Times

Now more than ever, we need to prioritize our health and wellbeing. It is essential to ourselves and for those we love. This not only means diligently following the orders of our state and counties, but doing what we CAN do to stay as healthy and vital as possible so that resources remain available for those really in need.
Whenever you feel like you wish there was more that you could do, remember this is absolutely one of the most important things you can do, so do it!
One of the most important things to focus on is stress support. The endless news coverage and media alone will spike your cortisol and stress response, not to mention the major disruption to daily routines, social isolation, and work issues that come from this pandemic. 
Let me tell you from personal experience, I am right there with you all! This isn't easy! 
So what CAN you do to support yourself, to lessen your stress response, and to promote more relaxation and recovery in these crazy times? 
Focus on the VITAL4™ Life Model. When in doubt, come back to this model and dive in. 
Nutrition: Eat real, whole foods. Organic when possible. Hydrate yourself, focus on drinking half your bodyweight in ounces. Lessen your toxic burden by shopping local and organic. Good, nutritious food will give you the necessary nutrients to support your cell health and will also stabilize your moods and clarity of mind. 
Movement: Moving your body is one of the best ways to combat stress. When you combine this with fun and creative forms of movement, it will also boost your endorphins (your happy hormones), and we can all use more of those! Try dance videos, workout rotations, and utilize your immediate neighborhood to get outside in the fresh air. Nature is a powerful healer!
Sleep: Since you are home more, it is a great time to establish a nourishing sleep routine. Settle in earlier, choose a routine that promotes relaxation, like reading something inspiring and positive, take a bath, listen to light music or watch a good comedy. These are just a few ways to help you drift off to sleepyland with more ease. Sleep is your greatest time for recovery and your body is most likely in desperate need of more right now. 
Last but certainly not least, Stress Support: The beauty about the VITAL4 is that they are all interconnected. It is amazing what happens when you find 1-2 small things you can do in each area. Naturally, your stress support and recovery will increase. My favorite go to for stress support is breathing! Simple breathing exercises are not to be undervalued. The famous 4-4 breath is a remarkable way to break your stress response and you can do this as often as you need or want. It is the one that the Navy Seals use and can have an impact in less than 2 minutes. Simply breathe in for 4 seconds through your nose and out for 4 seconds. 
Hopefully these tips are helpful and remind you that there is a lot that you CAN do in these crazy times to nourish yourself. Prioritizing your own health and wellbeing is one of the greatest ways that you can make an impact right now, so let the excuses fall away and just do it! :)